Just like the ugly step-sisters in many a fairytale steal all the attention, certain cannabinoids are overshadowed by the “big two”: THC and CBD. We’re not suggesting that these two titular phytocompounds are “ugly” – in fact, they’re among the most beautiful natural remedies and health supplements on this green Earth. Still, Tetrahydrocannabinol and Cannabidiol get the lion’s share of the attention because they’re two of the most well-researched phytocannabinoids of the bunch.

On top of these facts, THC and CBD seem to be the drivers for many of the positive effects and health benefits we’ve come to know & love from cannabis/hemp. Cannabinoids can do great things on their own, but together they can achieve even greater benefits for our mental & physical wellbeing.

Referring back to what we were saying about certain cannabinoids being overshadowed by THC and CBD, there are a ton of other noteworthy plant compounds found in cannabis & hemp. We’re going to review each of these lesser known, but equally important cannabinoids in a new series on cannabinoids & terpenes. First up is one of the most popular plant-based sleep aids helping Canadians get some consistent shuteye: Cannabinol, also known as CBN.

What is CBN used for? What are CBN compounds commonly used to treat? What are CBN benefits? In this first guide to cannabinoids we’ll explore the benefits of CBN and highlight some of the best CBN strains on the market today. Give your expectations some CBD to chill them out and focus up with some light THC doses – it’s time to put the spotlight on CBN.

What Is CBN Compound?

Like it’s counterpart CBD, Cannabinol (CBN) is a non-psychoactive phytocompound. CBN actually formulates in cannabis as THC degrades or withers with age/exposure. In a way, CBN is the kind of cannabinoid that increases as the THC potency of a strain diminishes. This doesn’t mean that all high CBN strains are old or stale, just that as many THC-high cultivars are exposed to light, temperature and humidity changes THC can degrade into CBN.

As THC is oxidized into CBN the psychoactivity of the CBN strain in question will be reduced significantly. This degradation does not continue indefinitely, however – in most cases, THC will only convert into CBN up to 15-20% of the overall Tetrahydrocannabinol contents. This is one of the reasons why Cannabinol is so difficult to come by in larger concentrations – it requires THC to be oxidized to accumulate in significant potency levels.

You might be wondering why something so rare in the cannabis world would have such an iconic cannabinoid name like “Cannabinol”. This is because CBN was actually one of the first phytocompounds to be isolated by researchers back in 1896. One of the chief identifying characteristics of CBN was that it appeared to be manipulated by environmental factors such as light exposure, temperature fluctuations and drops/spikes in humidity levels. In this way, CBN is very unique to many cannabinoids because it isn’t influenced as strongly by the plant’s genetics as it is external factors like oxidization.

In order to fully understand the benefits of Cannabinol we need to distinguish it from Cannabidiol some more. Because they can implement similar effects when engaged with our endocannabinoid systems, both CBD and CBN can seem quite similar. This is far from the truth of the matter however because CBN is a derivative formulation of THC – and CBD is thought to be the antithesis to THC in many regards, even working to counteract some of the negative side effects of consuming Tetrahydrocannabinol.

Here are a few ways in which it is helpful to compare CBD vs CBN:

Both CBD and CBN are non-psychoactive cannabinoids.

CBD can help to reduce the mind-altering effects of THC; CBN can aid a person in feeling less foggy-brained, but it can contribute to their feelings of sedation or couchlock.

Both CBD and THC are derivative forms of CBGA (Cannabigerolic Acid); CBN is one step further down the molecular chain and so it is considered to be far from the same as CBD on the molecular level.

CBD is often derived from hemp crops in addition to cannabis; CBN is sometimes present in hemp cultivars, but the majority of Cannabinol is sourced from high-THC strains that have since oxidized, leading to higher CBN concentrations.

Both CBD and CBN can interact with one another to greater, positive effects as well – the entourage effect often highlights that the more cannabinoids in higher potencies, the greater the effects can be on the human body & mind.

Now that we have the basic understanding of what sets CBN compounds apart from other cannabinoids, let’s determine what are its major benefits & uses today.

CBN Benefits: What Is CBN Good For?

Cannabinol is increasing in popularity because of a few notable benefits it can have for anyone who consumes high CBN strains. As we discussed, finding CBN compounds in higher potencies can be a tall task, but many online dispensaries and retail shops are striving to get their hands on products with significant concentrations of Cannabinol.

What is CBN for? What are the CBN benefits people are clamoring for the most? Here’s the latest on the most prominent CBN benefits and what CBN is used for:


Cannabinol was originally researched as a derivative of THC, but interest quickly shifted to its potential as a sleep aid. CBN has consistently demonstrated an innate ability to lull people into very deep, prolonged periods of rest. Not only do CBN compounds turn your brain off and help you to fall asleep, but they’re known to have strong sedation effects as well. This is likely due to the fact that CBN’s parent cannabinoid, THC, is also known for inducing dreamless, zombie-like states of sleep.

Although CBN typically has sedative influences on people, a new fad is striking it rich with this particular cannabinoid. CBN in low dose edibles or oils are flying off the shelves. These kinds of products are usually marketed as sleep-gummies or nighttime drops. This popular use for CBN solves two problems: 1) people are sleeping more consistently and feeling truly rested, and 2) the issues of achieving higher potencies of Cannabinol is avoided with these kinds of low-dose consumables.


In a similar vein, CBN also works to dissolve that pent-up stress, nervousness and anxiety throughout your body. By relaxing your muscles, clearing your mind and bringing your mind down a few octaves, CBN is used for relaxation by the majority of its proponents. Cannabinol has the capacity to render you couchlocked, but it’s not as overwhelming of an experience like with certain high-THC products. Whenever you’ve had a day-and-a-half and you’re home for the rest of the night, a phytocompound like CBN can help you to turn your brain off and force you to unwind.


Thanks to the entourage effect, a cannabinoid like CBN is highly sought after in a lot of full-spectrum hemp & cannabis products. When taken in lower doses or as one of many cannabinoids in a full-spectrum cannabis formulation, CBN can take the mental & physical edge off just enough. This works great because unlike THC, CBN doesn’t get you high – but what it can do is force you to chill out.

CBN benefits aren’t limited to these three pros, but amidst some cons of “couchlock” and “mental haze” the full scope of Cannabinol’s influences on the human body have yet to be mapped out. Researchers are exploring this phytocannabinoid in addition to hundreds of others, and that’s not even accounting for all the buzz surrounding terpenes as well.
Expect to read a lot more about Cannabinol in the near future. Like with CBD, non-psychoactive cannabinoids like CBN will continue to get a lot of industry attention as we strive to engineer cannabis products that can be taken any time, any day for an ever-expanding list of health reasons.

Top CBN Strains to Try

With all this newfound knowledge on the wonders of yet another weed compound like CBN, where can you get your hands on some? Haute Health is committed to providing the very latest & greatest of all cannabis varieties, and Cannabinol is no exception. Hautehealth.su is proud to offer a number of CBN-high strains of flower, concentrates and even edibles. Check out the following products the next time you need to sleep like the dead or relax your tense body:








How effective is CBN for sleep?
CBN high strains have been specifically noted for their benefits to sleep. Cannabinol can improve sleep quality, consistency and longevity of rest when taken in certain doses, or in conjunction with other cannabinoids. CBN is notably more effective at inducing sleep than CBD, but both are competent at relaxing minds & bodies.

Is CBN habit forming?
CBN is not known to be habit forming. Like many phytocompounds found in cannabis, cannabinoids like Cannabinol don’t lead to addictive tendencies, even in long-term, frequent users. Additionally, cannabinoids like CBN do not actually have tolerance build-up, so an individual’s dosages can largely remain the same over long periods of time.

What’s the difference between CBD, CBG and CBN?
CBD (Cannabidiol), CBG (Cannabigerol) and CBN (Cannabinol) compounds are all cannabinoids found in cannabis & hemp varieties. CBD is one of the most closely studied, and therefore information is more widely available about its characteristics, but CBN benefits and CBG positive effects follow along the lines of CBD. All these cannabinoids are known to aid in pain reduction, anti-inflammation, sleep quality, better moods, relaxed minds and more.

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