Today’s shopping experiences are unlike anything we’ve ever seen before – everything available at the click-of-a-button, often shipped free of charge, and delivered to our doors before you even remember that you placed the order in the first place.  The ‘age of Amazon’, ‘Skip the Dishes’, working from home and even virtual doctor visits has rendered traveling outside an option, rather than a necessity.

Cannabis has fit squarely into this online space all the same. As your average Canadian continues to take down the barriers of their stigma towards this wondrous weed, peoples’ buying habits have naturally shifted to looking to purchase weed online. Retail cannabis stores also keep cropping up as demand grows quicker than the plants themselves, and yet there seems to be a few major disparities between what you can find on shelves, and what you can score when shopping online.

Before we get into the nitty gritty details of how the majority of Canadians purchase their weed online, let’s work on answering the title question of this article: Why buy weed online in 2024?

Why Buy Weed Online?

Yes, you can buy weed online, what a newsflash eh? For those among us who live in 2024, it’s an obvious perk of this modern day & age – e-commerce has reshaped how we buy things, offer services, and access the essentials of living the good life.  We’ll dive into the facts of where people buy weed online and some of the advantages of online weed stores, but first we’d like to ponder the question: why choose online dispensaries?

Convenience, Duh!

The first and foremost reason why to buy weed online in Canada today is so obvious, it’s awkward.  Anyone who doesn’t shop online might try to tell you that it’s evil, it ruins small businesses, and they’re just roping you in with unlimited purchasing options probably doesn’t have an Amazon Prime subscription.  To each their own, fair enough, but some of the stigmas about e-commerce are just flat-out wrong.

Online dispensaries have the advantage of being able to maintain versatile inventories, modify their prices with greater control, and offer the most potent products on the market because they’re not bound by the same draconian licensing laws that retailers are forced to adhere to. We’ll talk about price, variety and potency in greater detail coming up, but all of these factors add up to create a false image in some peoples’ minds.

There’s nothing wrong with supporting your local pot shops – in fact, we encourage it! A strong cannabis community, whether it’s a big market online dispensary from Vancouver or a small town ‘Mom & Pot Shop’, is always what we’re all in support of.  The more marijuana, the merrier, you might say.  That being said, there are some stores that have their hands tied by suppliers or government regulations, so their capabilities to offer better deals on better products falls short compared to the advantages of buying weed online.

Once you learn how simple it is to purchase weed online, you probably realized all of the money & time you spend on inferior products at certain retail outlets.  To summarize, when you learn how to buy weed online you come to understand just how diverse this plant in all its varieties truly is.  There’s so much weed out there to try, and the wide world of the weed web is the portal we’ve all been dreaming of with a half-lit joint in our fingers as we stared into the endless space of the night sky… 

Cannabis is a cosmic-given right, so any modality that enhances your ability to access it must be a force for good.  This is truly what sets online dispensaries apart from retailers – and it’s why you should choose online dispensaries: greater access to the greatest cannabis products. Simply put.

The Price Is Right

The next most significant reason why many Canadians are realizing that they can buy weed online instead of in-stores has to do with the good, the bad, the ugly: money.  Whether we want to admit it or not, money talks. In today’s world of inflation and perpetual economic downturn, money’s voice is at an all-time high in terms of volume and impact.  Everything costs significantly more, so we have to be incredibly smart with what we purchase & how we use it.

Cannabis is no exception to these endless price increases and limited selection problems of today… that is, if you do your weed shopping at retailers.  You can buy weed online for a fraction of the price that you’ll typically find in stores.  The #1 advantage of online weed stores is the better prices – we’re talking $3 grams of high-flying, tasty nugs instead of that government-priced, stale and burnt grass.

It’s not just the buds that are priced to sell to you, the devoted online shoppers that Haute knows & loves.  Edibles are cheaper, shatter is incredibly cheap compared to retail stores, and an ever expanding selection of low-priced, high-potency concentrates that you just cannot find anywhere else but online.  Simply put, you can buy weed online for cheaper than a cup of overpriced, overly sweet and under-potent coffee. Forget Star Bucks, it’s time to seek out the Star Buds that you’ll find you can buy online from full-service dispensaries like Haute Health.

Got 99 Problems, But Potency Ain’t One

If you’re a true, blue, bud-loving, THC-blooded stoner who not only uses cannabis for a ton of medical reasons but also knows how to enjoy it to the fullest, then you only care about one thing when you’re shopping for cannabis: potency!

It’s sad to say, but thanks to ridiculous government oversight, retail cannabis stores have had their wings clipped by the most annoying part of cannabis legalization in this country: THC caps.  THC is so demonized by Health Canada, it may as well have started WWII or caused all those space shuttle disasters over the decades.  Because of their short-sighted approach to regulating cannabis’ effects on we Canadians, the most potent products you’ll find in most retail pot shops barely get into the hundreds of milligrams.

Sure, some rare products pop up with ‘1000 mg THC’, but the price of these high-potency items are usually even more potent in dollars, unfortunately.  This is why it’s best to choose to buy from online weed stores – they’ve got the variety of products, but all their products have better price-per-potency ratios than retailers.  We’ve written a lot about potency, price and the relationship between the two, so check out our extensive Blog section next time you’re shopping online.

When you need high potency weed, you have two options: either you grow it yourself, or you purchase your potent weed online from dispensaries like Haute Health.  We love growing buds, obviously, but if you’re like millions of other Canadians and you don’t have the time, space or know-how, then HH has got all your marijuana possibilities covered.

The Spice of Life

Just in case you’re a millennial who apparently gets none of the timeless references we normies like to quote, “Variety” is in fact, the “spice of life”. Not only do online dispensaries not suffer from the limited branding options for their products that retailers do, but they can also offer a wider variety of product potencies, concentrations or dosages – including dosing suggestions, another “no no” at most retail stores.

Online stores like Haute Health have thousands of unique products on their virtual shelves. Compared to the dozens of options at a retailer, it’s no wonder why the majority of Canadians choose to buy weed online from reputable dispensaries like HH – it’s the easiest choice, because there’s just more to choose from online!

Check out this wonderfully put-together Shop page from yours truly.  Scroll through the hundreds – and thousands – of cannabis products, and tell us if you’ve ever seen that many at any retailer.  Don’t worry, we’ll wait…

Product variety online is without a doubt vastly superior to that of retail stores. They know it, we know it, and we hope you do too. 

Where Do People Buy Weed?

There’s only one destination for serious stoners to do their online shopping: Haute Health.  

HH has been around for over 10 years, so their team is stocked with as many cannabis OG’s as their online inventory shelves are loaded with high-potency, OG cannabis strains, gummies, concentrates and more.  Haute Health has always focused on offering the lowest prices in Canada, but they’ve managed to build one of the most expansive inventories you’ll find online.

Haute Health is proud to offer the absolute lowest prices you can find online in Canada, including but not limited to:






There are literally thousands of different kinds of weed strains, yummy gummies, delicious chocolates, high-flying THC oils, soothing CBD capsules, pre-rolls and more.  If it’s got weed in it, chances are Haute Health has it in stock – and for a way better price than you’ll find in-stores or at other online dispensaries.

You work hard, play hard, and live well by taking care of yourself with cannabis.  Every stoner deserves to live the “high life”, which is why Haute Health came to be.  Experience your highest, while paying the lowest, when you choose Haute Health for your favorite online dispensary. Thank you for your continued support, and have a fantastic long weekend in the True North, Strong & Free!

Hey, wait!

First time here? Well, we’re rolling out the red (and green) carpet just for you. Sign up now and for the next 7 days only, you can score:

👉 The special site discount sale
👉 PLUS a wicked bonus bag on your first order
👉 PLUS a FREE giant weed gummy  (Yes, it’s as big as it sounds.) * We may substitutes gummies while supplies last.

No catch. Just big vibes, bigger gummies, and an even bigger discount. But don’t get too chill — this deal goes up in smoke after 7 days. Hit the button, stock up, and thank us later.