It’s definitely the Fall season again, with leaves transforming from the greens of summer to the reds & golds of Autumn and stoners everywhere bundling up in their best hempen warm-wear as the temperatures begin to plummet. Whether you’re one of the Halloween freaks whose decorations have been up for weeks already, or you hit the pumpkin spice with as much fervor as a Fremen, October is a time to get together with those we love the most.

Yes, it is yet again that special time for congregation, contemplation, and consumption of the heartiest of family dinners of the year: Thanksgiving.

This year’s time for giving thanks is sure to be extra special – with all the strife in the world forcing us closer together, we’re going to need to lean on one another even more so than usual.  Do you travel to see family on Thanksgiving? Have you bought all the groceries you need to cook a feast fit for your growing family? What about the holidaze weed?! This last point is of particular significance for this blog, as we aim to help you find the perfect Thanksgiving weed for a happy and hazy long weekend here in Canada.

What is the best strain for Thanksgiving? What strains go the best with pumpkin smoking a blunt? What are the flavors and aromas that best go with a happy Thanksgiving weed? We’ll endeavor to answer these questions, and more. After reading this blog, you’ll have the inside track on the absolute best Thanksgiving weed to enjoy & share with those you love most.

What Is The Best Strain For Thanksgiving?

When it’s time to bring the “pot” to the potluck, there’s a lot of pressure to satisfy so many unique cannabis preferences that it can make your brains turn to the same mush as the mashed potatoes.  How do you find Thanksgiving weed that is balanced in potency, flavors, aromas and effects that everyone can agree on? The answer is: you can’t.

Cannabis is a lot like the people who smoke it – each strain/person is unique, with individual characteristics, traits, abilities and experiences.  There’s no “catch all” when it comes to good weed, at least not in most cases.  Some of us get together with people of the same weed tastes because we enjoy sharing our cannabis with like-altered-minded people.  Others aren’t too picky on the kind of weed in question, just that it’s high quality in every way possible.

Having a happy Thanksgiving is made all the easier with good quality weed on the table. We’ve decided to organize your ideal cannabis Thanksgiving feast for you with a heaping plate-full of amazing Thanksgiving weed strain suggestions.  Each Thanksgiving strain was picked because it can help to lighten the mood, cool the heated discussions, and carve up those pesky awkward moments with a little laughter.  We’ve allocated each strain to an iconic Thanksgiving tradition, so all you have to do is bundle these high-quality strains online at HH, and voila – the perfect potluck Thanksgiving can be yours!

Without further ado, here are the best Thanksgiving cannabis strains to be truly thankful for this year:

Setting The Table: Biscotti

Any Thanksgiving dinner that starts with cookies as an appetizer is going to be a memorable get-together for stoners.  We call this strain “setting the table” because it does just that – Biscotti strain is an indica-dominant hybrid that will lock you into “festive mode”.  Delicious notes of fruits, nuts, sugar & spice, Biscotti weed induces relaxation, giggles and a gentle body-high that will help you to feel thankful, even if you’re stressed with cooking or setup duties.

With an average THC level of 25%, Biscotti strain is not for the faint-of-heart, and yet you don’t have to worry about this particular Thanksgiving cannabis because it comes on gently, lasts a long time, and eases you into a calm demeanor that is perfect come dessert time. Start your Thanksgiving celebrations off right by imbibing some Biscotti nugs.

The Fruit Salad: Sour Banana

Fruit salad, at Thanksgiving?! It’s not weird… it’s not! The same Thanksgiving traditions might not be shared by all, but what is agreed upon by most is this next strain we call “fruit salad”: Sour Banana.  Bringing all the spices and herbs you associate with the most thankful time of year, Sour Banana tastes like banana cream pie, dank diesel, sweet fruits and spices like cinnamon and cedar.

Sour Banana is best known for its relaxing qualities, so just like any good appetizer it puts you in a great mood for socializing, reminiscing, or whatever your friends & family have in-store.  If you’ve got a bad case of the holiday blues, Sour Banana will perk you up without putting you out for the Thanksgiving count.

Waves of Gravy: Middlefork

Next, it’s time to prepare the make-or-break for any happy Thanksgiving weed party: the gravy, aka “Middlefork”.  This oddly named strain might have gotten its namesake from a funny story, but it’s anything but a laughing matter.  Middlefork was chosen to represent the “gravy” because it goes well with anything – Middlefork strain lulls you into a euphoric state of bliss, calmness and true relaxation. Known for its meditative states of calm mind & body, Middlefork strain complements those chaotic holiday weekends with family like a flavorful gravy can save any bland meal from the leftovers pile.

Speaking of flavors, Middlefork’s unique terpenes profile offers tastes & smells of the forest, fruit stands, cafes and bakeries.  Expect to be won over by its potent aromas of sage, sweetgrass, berries and citrus fruits, in addition to the satisfying earthiness of its finish.  It’s never too early to ‘bring out the gravy’, so feel free to enjoy Middlefork strain at the beginning, middle or end of your Thanksgiving weekend.

Cranberry Sauce: Treasure Island

Here’s where we might lose some people, but hear us out… Treasure Island is not a strain to get high on, we know that, but it’s the perfect representation of “cranberry sauce” – just like with CBD, you’re either all for it, or against it completely.  CBD won’t addle your brain, so if you need some brain-melting THC in order to handle your family festivities, look elsewhere.  Treasure Island strain is known for its high CBD contents, relaxing effects, and focus enhancing properties.  Treasure Island is actually a favorite strain among chefs who like to enjoy a little ganja while they slave away in the kitchen, so if you’re on dinner duties this year this strain is for you!

For the most mellow day of thanks, Treasure Island is the strain name you need to remember.  Sweet, herbal woodiness pervades every puff while lavender and floral aromas tantalize your every sense. Even the most stressed stoner can survive the madness of the family holidaze with Treasure Island, so don’t let this strain be buried amongst the other hidden gems.

Mashed Potatoes: High Society

Now we’re talking! When it’s time to smash, crash, boom or bust up some potatoes, seating arrangements, or the tallest Jenga tower any assembly of stoners has ever constructed, there’s only one strain that’s got the gumption to bring it home: High Society, also known as the “mashed potatoes” of any happy Thanksgiving weed party. It tastes like coffee and sweet-skunkiness had a baby, and smells just as nutty, spicy, funky and fresh.

Fun fact, High Society strain is actually a hybrid of one of our other recommended Thanksgiving weed strains – Biscotti and Jet Fuel Gelato makeup this balanced hybrid. High Society is a more energy, creativity and productivity-boosting strain but it still lets you keep your head on straight.  When the night seems in doubt, or the dishes look awfully overwhelming, pump yourself full of High Society buds and watch as your problems are smashed into delicious oblivion.

Candied Yams: Dutch Treat

Now it’s our turn to call “gross”… Seriously though, no judgment if your family eats yams with marshmallows on top, but it is as weird as this fun-funny strain is going to make you act.  Dutch Treat is akin to the “candied yams” of the Thanksgiving cannabis bunch – its sweet, it’ll satisfy, or it might just make you leave the table with a bout of the ‘giggs’.  Dutch Treat is a real treat for those who enjoy laidback highs, hilariously delayed reactions, and a calm laziness to everyone’s demeanor that can only make the chaos of the holidays more enjoyable.

You don’t have to be Dutch to enjoy this tasty treat of a strain – it offers tartness, sweetness, piney flavors & earthy aromas.  Despite the fact that Dutch Treat strain renders you goofy, you can actually use it to sharpen your focus by a lot, so it is a favorite strain for writers, cooks, artists and skilled workers.  Induce a little Dutch friendliness into your Thanksgiving dinner with this one-of-a-kind strain, for your one-of-a-kind gaggle of family & friends.

The Turkey: Tuna Kush

Almost last, but definitely not almost least, is a strain name you’re probably familiar with – there’s always that one relative that brings the dreaded “tuna casserole” to the potluck Thanksgiving dinner.  Thankfully, Tuna Kush the strain is nothing like the leftover dish namesake – it’s danky, not stanky; it’s got hints of diesel from terpenes, not fishing boat fuel; it’s spicy, not salty; it’s kush, not fish! Sometimes called ‘Tuna OG’, this “Turkey” of a strain is the main dish for any Thanksgiving hangout. Tuna Kush will whoop your butt if you’re not ready, so just like those overwhelming helpings of turkey, make sure your stoner eyes aren’t bigger than your stoner stomach.

Famous for its powerful, long-lasting body highs and stress-melting effects that leave you steaming like a juicy bird in the oven, Tuna Kush strain is one Thanksgiving weed strain that you absolutely have to include at your next holidaze celebration.

Pumpkin Pie: Blue Widow

Ah… The night is almost over, you’ve lasted through all the fights, the funny stories and the forgetful messes your guests have made of your house. Now it’s time to put the finishing touches of whipped cream and sweet, savory, spicy pumpkin pie on the night’s events – and by “pumpkin pie”, we mean Blue Widow strain. The proud product of the legendary growers in British Columbia (“Bud Country”) brings to the world yet another world-renowned hybrid strain.  Crossed from White Widow and Blueberry strains, Blue Widow grabs a hold of you and doesn’t let go from the very first puff – just like pumpkin pie does from the first bite, to the last.

You’ll taste blueberries – duh! – and lots of earthy-sweetness, sadly no pumpkin spiciness. Nevertheless, this strain brings the fruity, creamy goodness of a slice of pie on top of a fresh helping of relaxed energy.  You might get your second or third wind from Blue Widow, or you might just get knocked out – it’s got the potential to keep the party going all night, or tuck you into bed early.  Stoners be warned: this strain is potent, so dose low and go slow.