One of the best parts about weed in the modern era is that it can be part of your daily routine. Not only is cannabis a major part of millions of peoples’ health, wellness and fitness regimes, weed products can also help you to relax, have fun or shift your perspectives or moods. On top of these great qualities of cannabis, weed can now go almost anywhere with you in your travels.
Gone are the days of lighting up blunts in the shadows of a basement, or hiding your edibles from judgmental eyes. You don’t have to save your weed hangouts for holidaze anymore, because hosting cannabis parties is a really popular thing to do nowadays. Waiting for those rare camping trips in order to trip out with your friends & family is over – you can get stoned when you want, how you want, where you want, and for whatever reason you want to.

Even though it’s acceptable in society to vape, dab, eat or rub on weed today, there are still a lot of stoners that uphold these old traditions of communal smoke sessions. Cannabis camping is one in particular that has only grown in popularity, even though it’s not necessary to leave the city limits to smoke weed in peace.

Because cannabis camping is such a great way to get stoned, we’ve put together some of the basics for camping with cannabis, what strains have the longest highs for hiking, the most beautiful weed strains to make your trip memorable, and what weed strains make you trip the most.

Cannabis Camping 101

There’s nothing that compares to the relaxation, satisfaction and fun of camping with cannabis. Being in the great outdoors is made even greater with some high-flying ganja in your canteen, a cozy fire at your side and the sounds of birds, beasts and rustling leaves serenading you into a blissful stupor. A lot of stoners find cannabis camping to be among the most relaxing ways to unwind from all of life’s stresses because it combines two of the most sensory-pleasing things on this planet.

There’s something truly profound about getting high inside the domain of mother nature – after all, cannabis is from the Earth, so getting high and basking in the majesty of the natural world just seems to check all the boxes. Whether you have been working too hard lately, you’ve gone through some significant trauma, your body is wearing down, your mind is overloaded, or you need a jolt of spiritual inspiration, then consuming some of the most beautiful weed strains in the most beautiful places is sure to right your ship.

Before we discuss which strains are the most popular for cannabis camping, let’s quickly go over a checklist of things you’ll need to make this a one-of-a-kind camping experience.

What You’ll Need

Tent, Trailer or Yurt (Cabins are great too if you can score one)

Sleeping bags, warm blankets

Jackets, sweaters, layered clothing, toques, hats, gloves

Coolers full of water/drinks and food… lots, and lots of food!

Music and games (whatever tickles your fancies, but we always bring bluetooth speakers, cards and dice)

Camping fix-ins (mosquito nets/repellant, axes, stakes, chairs, tarps, etc)

DON’T FORGET THE WEED! (buds, edibles, dabs, vape, topicals, tabs, bring one of everything!)

Everybody camps differently, just like we all enjoy different kinds of weed for different reasons. Some people love to be active, go hiking, biking, fishing and exploring all that nature has to offer when they go cannabis camping. In other cases, some stoners get the most out of camping by lighting up and winding down as they simply relax the week/weekend away by the fireside. Both camping methods have their methods, and we’d recommend trying a blend of both to suit your needs & wants.

Cannabis Camping Safety

Before we go into the strains that have the longest highs for hiking, the most beautiful weed strains for star-gazing, or what strains make you trip the most, one last thing about camping with cannabis: safety. Being high in the midst of wildlife, dark forests, water bodies and a multitude of sharp implements – oh, and a roaring fire the whole time! – obviously has its risks. You can camp safely while high, but you need to weed-proof your camping area as best you can before you puff-puff-pass.

A safe campsite for stoners might have guidelines tied from your site to the bathrooms, or a perimeter to keep you from straying into the deep, dark woods. Keeping firepokers, axes, carving knives and other potentially dangerous tools in bins is a must, as is sealing all food & drinks in lockable containers – hungry bears and high buds don’t mix! First aid kits in each trailer/tent is important too, but if everyone is spaced out they won’t do you much good. This is where the ultimate safety measure comes in, but it comes at a cost: one responsible person per camping group should stay sober and act as your cannabis sitter.

Fortunately, we just wrote a blog on this exact subject! Fancy that. Trip sitters or cannabis sitters are very important for camping with cannabis safely – they can put the marshmallows on your sticks to save your eyes, unzip that impossible zipper on your tent, or guide you to a safe stump nearby to have a cry because “this campsite reminds you of your childhood camping days”.
To be fair, the cannabis sitter position should rotate from person-to-person either each night or every couple of nights. There’s no course or certification to be a trip sitter, just talk amongst your group on what to be aware of and decide together how to best keep everyone safe & having fun. With that out of the way, it’s time to follow the smoke trail as we explore the most beautiful weed strains for camping.

What Strain Has the Longest Highs for Hiking?


Life could be a dream, a Blue Dream, as you blaze some trails up the mountains and blaze your mind up the ladder of consciousness. Blue Dream is one of the strains that has the longest highs for hiking, but it’s a steady build of euphoria, easy body-high and mental clarity. Blue Dream is a fantastic choice for fishing, hiking, building a fire or spending time on the lake. BD has one of the longest highs without overpowering your mind or discombobulating your body, so take it a bit before your foray into the great outdoors for the most profound hike of your life.


Channel your inner rasta and commit to the nature-loving, love-filled, cannabis camping experience when you toke on one of Bob Marley’s favorite strains in Lamb’s Bread. Like the music of its most famous proponent, Lamb’s Bread is uplifting, inspiring, energizing and relaxing all at the same time. In particular, a lot of hikers who like to get stoned think this strain has the longest highs for hiking because it sets in slow and has a very nice build up. You’ll find yourself feeling motivated after smoking LB, maybe because of its earthy, woody, floral tastes & aromas that make you feel right at home in the forest.

The Most Beautiful Weed Strain for Relaxing


We bet you knew we were going to say Northern Lights, didn’t you? It’s in the name! This strain is so perfect for cannabis camping that we’ve often gotten high on it and wondered: Did humans create camping and star-gazing just because it pairs perfectly with this timeless strain of weed?!. NL’s relaxing, full-body high and mind-relaxing effects make it one of the most beautiful weed strains for drinking in nature’s most beautiful views: starry skies in the pristine dark of the wilderness; flickering flames dancing in the cool night breeze; trees swaying and creaking as the sun rises over the horizon; the painted vistas of a sunset from atop the peak of a recently conquered mountain. Nothing says “bliss” quite like star-gazing, fishing, floating on a paddle board or swinging in a hammock quite like getting stoned on Northern Lights.


When you go camping with Cindy you’ll feel like the bell of nature’s ball. Cinderella 99 is aptly named because it’s on a strict timeline – everything around you will change shape as it hits hard, then the party kicks off with a bang, then slides back into reality before the bell strikes midnight (just try not to lose your shoe for someone to find). C99 offers a dreamlike state of being without numbing your body, so you can keep carving that piece of wood, playing cards or telling stories around the campfire. We promise you’ll sleep very well with brilliant dreams after smoking Cinderella – it’s our 99% guarantee.

What Weed Strain Makes You Trip for Your Next Camping Trip?


Uncle Jack Herer can show you the way to trip hard & fast, but still keep those creative juices flowing to enhance the fun at your next camping escapade. Thanks to Jack’s quick high, you’ll be able to enhance any camping activity right after hitting this fan-favorite strain. Suddenly, the sounds of the wind on the water of the lake will sound like music, the patterns of the pinecones on the forest floor will tell a story, and the smells of nature will tantalize your senses into blissful euphoria. Jack Herer also makes any good story great, whether you’re listening or weaving a tale. JH seems to settle in on a wide spectrum, which makes it perfect for groups with varying cannabis tolerances.


If you’d rather just sink into your folding chair and relax to the rhythms of the campfire flames and embers dancing into the sky, then Cannatonic is the state you’ll enjoy the most. Cannatonic isn’t overly potent in THC, so its name is kind of canna-ironic. Instead of the high-flying sensory amalgamation that you get from Jack Herer, Cannatonic gently urges you to chill and enjoy the sights, sounds and feels of nature. Bird-watching, reading a book, strolling on a beach or trail, counting leaves on trees and listening to how your whistles echo in caves or crevasses are all more of the vibe you get from Cannatonic.

These are just a handful of what strains have the longest lasting highs, the most beautiful weed strains for star-gazing, or the weed strains that make your trip the most memorable. The weed you take with you into the great outdoors should match your cannabis experience levels, your personalities, and how you like to camp. Thankfully, Haute Health ( is stocked to the brim with all the latest & greatest strains that’ll tickle your fancy on your next foray into the wilderness. As always, be safe, be healthy and have some fun on your next camping trip with your buds and some buds from us at HH.

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