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Marijuana legalization and decimalization has been sweeping the globe, with dozens upon dozens of countries permitting or tolerating the consumption and growing of marijuana. The attitude towards marijuana has defiantly loosened over the last decade, with a wave of countries realizing both the medical and economic benefits cannabis can have in their respected country. In countries like the United States where various states have their own cannabis legality, marijuana there has brought forward a massive economic boom with hundreds of millions of dollars being moved through their local economies each year. While on the other side of the world Portugal fully decriminalized all drugs, including marijuana to help curb the spread of illegal drug markets and drug addiction. Each country has their own political agenda surrounding cannabis, with many obstacles to overcome before a country can move forward with any form of cannabis legalization. Currently there are various countries where marijuana is legal for medical use only and a handful that have either fully legalized or partially legalized cannabis in their respected country. This results in less then a quarter of the globe allowing access to some form of marijuana for its citizens, but with the cannabis industry expected to reach into the hundreds of billions of dollars over the next few years it is safe to assume that more countries will begin to follow suit.
Here we’ll look at some of the most notable countries that have either legalized or decriminalized weed. First let’s start with the only two countries where weed is completely legal throughout their respected countries, Canada and Uruguay.
Full Legalization
Medical marijuana has been legal in Canada since 2001, with the Canadian government health system providing medical cannabis to patients who meet specific criteria. The medical marijuana program is now being transitioned into Canada’s recently introduced Cannabis Act which completely legalized the cultivation, possession and consumption of cannabis for all Canadian citizens as of 2018.
On October 17, 2019 Canada became the second country in the world to legalize cannabis nation wide. Becoming the first G7 and G20 country to do so. Each Canadian province is permitted to set their own cannabis laws such as legal age, plants per household and the amount of possession. The standard set out by the Federal government permit an individual can posses up to 30 grams of dried flower or equivalent in public and is allowed to grow up to 4 plants per household. All legal cannabis sold in Canada is regulated and sold directly through the Canadian Federal government.
In December 2013 Uruguay became the first country where weed is legal in the modern era. In 2014 Uruguay made it legal for citizens to grow upwards of six plants per household along with the creation of growing clubs and a government-controlled marijuana dispensary administration. This has led to over 2000 registered personal growers in Uruguay who can grown up to 99 plants per year and the opening of 17 state run cannabis pharmacies permitted to sell cannabis. Cannabis is available to Uruguayan citizens and permanent residents over the age of 18 but is not allowed to be sold to tourists. You can purchase upwards of 40 grams per month, with a limit of 10 grams a week.
Medical and Decriminalized Marijuana
There are dozens and dozens of countries where marijuana is “legal” , but that doesn’t necessarily mean that marijuana is fully legal. Many countries have either full legalized the medical use of marijuana for patients with certain ailments, others have decriminalized the personal use of marijuana under a certain possession amount and some have kept it illegal but not making it a punishable offense. Cannabis legality is a complicated process that requires years of political movement, scientific studies, economic clarity and legal red tape. This is why unlike Canada and Uruguay where weed is fully legal, most countries throughout the globe haven’t or wont fully legalize weed. Here we’ll look at several countries by continent that have relaxed their marijuana laws and have become one of the countries where pot it “legal”.
North America
United States
The United States still considers cannabis federally illegal if has a THC percentage of 0.3 and is classified as a Schedule 1 drug. This however doesn’t mean it is illegal in particular states, districts and territories throughout the country. To date medical marijuana is legal in 33 states, 4 U.S. territories and the District of Columbia. Each state, territory and district have their own rules and laws towards how it is sold and produced, how it can be consumed and what specific medical conditions it can be used for.
To date 11 states have legalized the use of marijuana, along with two territories and one district, this includes:
- Colorado
- District of Columbia
- Illinois
- Maine
- Massachusetts
- Michigan
- Nevada
- Oregon
- Vermont
- Washington
- Northern Mariana Islands
- Guam
Though illegal at a federal level, the Justice Department does not enforce that law within states that have legalized cannabis.
In 2017 Mexico signed a bill allowing for the use of medical cannabis that contains less then 1% of THC. In Mexico cannabis is still considered illegal but the Supreme Court of Mexico ruled in 2018 that the law prohibiting the use of marijuana was unconstitutional. The Supreme Court of Mexico has ruled the Mexican government must legalize cannabis by December 15, 2020.
South America
Medical cannabis has been legal in the provinces of Chubut and Santa Fe since 2016 and as of 2017 the Argentine senate approved the use of CBD for medical use. In 2009 Argentina decriminalized the use of small amounts of cannabis for personal use in private areas.
As of 2016 the Supreme Court of Bermuda ruled in favor of the use of medical cannabis by its citizens. Though legislative steps towards providing legal marijuana as a medical option have not progressed, changes to self-imposed United Nations restrictions may help make medical marijuana more available. Bermuda decriminalized the personal possession of up to 7 grams of cannabis in 2017. Allowing citizens to carry 7 grams of marijuana without repercussion from the law.
Medical marijuana was legalized in 2015 and can be prescribed by doctors and purchased through pharmacies. Private cannabis consumption is decriminalized in Chile as of 2015, but only for home use or on private property.
Medical marijuana is legal in Columbia allowing for both cannabis and cannabis derivates for medical use, along with the opening of several medical marijuana dispensaries post the 2015 legislation. In 1994 the Columbian government ruled that possession of cannabis and other drugs for personal use were legal. In 2012 cannabis was officially decriminalized for the possession of up to 22 grams and in 2015 it was ruled that cultivation of up to 20 plants was permitted.
Possession of cannabis for medical use or therapeutic purposes is legal in Jamaica. A patient needs permission and a prescription from their doctor in order to obtain legal cannabis. Although cannabis is synostosis with Jamaica, it wasn’t until 2015 that Jamaica officially decriminalized cannabis. Specifically, the amendment decriminalized possession for personal usage. Up to 56.6 grams is considered a petty offence, which means it cannot result in a criminal record. Jamaican citizens are also allowed to grow upwards of five cannabis plants for personal use. Smoking in private residences is legal, however smoking in public is a punishable offence. Those who practice the religion of Rastafarian are allowed to use cannabis freely for spiritual purposes. This makes Jamaica the first country to legalize cannabis for religious reasons.
The use of medical Marijuana in Peru became legal in 2017 and can be accessed by patients who meet certain medical criteria. Possession of cannabis in Peru is illegal, however possession of up to 8 grams is considered “personal usage” and is not deemed punishable. Those who sell, cultivate or produce cannabis can get 8-15 years in prison.
In 2009 the Austrian government approved cannabis cultivation for scientific and medical use, which is controlled by the Austrian government. The use of personal cannabis is decriminalized in Austria. The commercial sale of cannabis is however illegal and deemed a criminal offence.
Medical cannabis was permitted by a royal decree, legalizing certain uses cannabis as a medical use. To date the only drug permitted for medical cannabis use it Sativex oral spray for those suffering from MS. Cannabis has been decriminalized in Belgium since 2003, with adults over the age of 18 allowed to legally posses a maximum of 3 grams.
In 2018 after a ruling by the Constitutional Court of Georgia possession and consumption of cannabis became legal. However it is illegal to sell or cultivate cannabis.
Arguably the pot mecca of the world before the wave of legalization, the Netherlands have seen millions flock to their cities to enjoy the endless supply of cannabis with no repercussions. Cannabis coffee shops have been in recreational use since 1976. These coffee shops sell cannabis products openly and possession is decriminalized up to 5 grams for personal use. Medical cannabis has been legal since 2003, available at all dutch pharmacies.
In 2001 Portugal made the decision to decriminalize all illegal drugs, including cannabis. The Portuguese government permits up to 25 grams of plant material and 5 grams of hashish. Medical cannabis was legalized in 2018, sold in pharmacies throughout Portugal. Cultivation for medical or personal use still remains illegal.
The consumption and cultivation of cannabis is a private space is legal in Spain, it is however illegal for commercial purposes and to sell at any amount. When cannabis was decriminalized it opened up a wave of cannabis clubs that were opened in private spaces. this has lead to over 700 cannabis clubs located throughout all of Spain.
South Africa
In 2018 South Africa decriminalized the use , possession and growth of cannabis. There is no maximum quantity of cannabis an individual cannot hold, but with new legislation in the pipe line it looks like you can posses upwards of 600 grams per person and 1200 grams per household.It is however illegal to consume cannabis in public along with buying and selling.
in 2019 cannabis legal possession was passed in the Australia Capital Territory, the bill allows for personal possession of small amounts of cannabis for personal use only. Similar to America the law conflicts with the federal law, which prohibits recreational use of cannabis. in 2016 marijuana became legal at the federal level.
Haute Health
As we mentioned above, Canada is a rare country where weed is legal and as we all know from reading this list, places where weed is legal are hard to come by. Cannabis legality isn’t anything we need to worry about here in Canada, seeing as it is one of the countries with legal marijuana, there is plenty of options to buy weed online in Canada. Haute Health has the best weed deals online, from Shatter to cannabis edibles online. Not what you’re looking for? We also have THC distillate, $3 dollar grams weed and Phoenix Tears. Take advantage of Canada being one of the countries with legal marijuana and enjoy this beautiful place where weed is legal.