It’s 2024 officially, and that means tackling one of the toughest topics in the world of weed… No, NOT New Year’s resolutions like “how to get rid of that munchie-gut”… We’re talking about the real nitty, gritty, uncomfortable discussion surrounding weed and relationships: how to be okay with your partner smoking weed.

Smoking, whether it’s cigarettes or cannabis in question, has always been a contentious issue. Since the first stone age stoners lit up a prehistoric blunt, their partner likely caught a whiff, rushed over to investigate the acrid, burning smell, and proceeded to rant & rave at their significant other about the risks of smoking, the bad smells, the bad habits, and on and on and on. 

If this tirade from your girlfriend, boyfriend or spouse sounds familiar, you might want to keep reading on.  This blog will outline some of the common tropes of having a boyfriend or girlfriend who smokes weed, while also exploring some ways to limit the fights over our personal cannabis use.  

Yes you can have a relationship with weed AND a person who doesn’t like cannabis.  No you shouldn’t have to choose weed over a relationship, and vice versa. Join us on this guide to all things romantic and cannabis, and get your relationship with both back on track before the big V Day coming up in a month.

Is It Common To Smoke A Blunt With Your Boyfriend/Girlfriend?

Before we talk about the rough stuff – like when your partner complains about all those times you’re lighting one up – we thought we’d let the love in the air hot-box the room like a good strain.  The best way to enjoy weed, after all, is with the people that you love.

For many stoners, smoking weed is a very social aspect of their lives. Very few of us start smoking weed all by ourselves, and even fewer among us learn the do’s and don’ts of cannabis on our own.  Like the plants themselves, we humans grow better together – in a crop, you might say.  This means that cannabis brings us together for smoke sessions, parties, movie night, family game night, BBQ’s and of course, the holidaze.

Weed has this profound ability to connect people with plants, plants with people, and people with people.  This is one of the fundamental powers of marijuana – to grow together, from seed to flower, to bloom, to be harvested and then to start the process all over again.  

Think of how cannabis does this in your life on a daily- or weekly-basis: the seed of an idea for a hangout takes root in your brain, you invite your friends, they bring the the top choice buds from Haute Health over, and you all smoke together while your friendship blooms over stories of old, or adventures yet to be realized.

Romance can follow the same patterns with or without cannabis, but when you include some dope in your coupling the benefits aren’t just those you develop with your new “friend”.  Cannabis is known to enhance your senses, boost sensuality, and help both partners to relax no matter what mood or setting.  Getting back to smoking, weed can even help to cut down on the awkwardness of meeting new people, or help shy people to overcome their nervous inner-workings.

Have you ever made a new friend, or romantic partner over the puff of a joint? Maybe you were the one rolling, and your expert rolling skills caught the praise of someone you equally admired? Even growing cannabis can be a good icebreaker: “Have you seen my plants?! You don’t know a person until you see what they can grow!”.

The main takeaways boil down to this: cannabis, in all its forms, seems hardwired by nature to be meant to bring people, plants, animals and the world-at-large closer together.  So when people ask “is it common to see people smoking a blunt with their boyfriend/girlfriend?”, the answer is a resounding “DUH!”.

Now comes the harder part of the discussion… How to learn to be okay with your partner smoking weed when it’s not something you personally approve of, or vice versa. 

Are People Choosing Weed Over Relationships?!

It’s a conversation that nobody wants to have, or to hear… Having to choose weed over a relationship. Have you ever been face-to-face with the decision to quit smoking the plants you know & love because your partner disapproves? It’s an awful place to find yourself, and even though it’s easy to be mad at your partner for putting you in this awkward position, it’s important to understand WHY they might be coming to this difficult conclusion.

If you have a girlfriend that smokes weed, or you are a boyfriend that smokes weed, or any combination of the two, you might not understand how someone could ask their partner to quit something that they need/want.  This is the first thing we want to clarify: Need vs Want.

Need Weed? Or Want to Get High??

There are two subcategories of stoners that are relevant for this article that we need to key in on: recreational cannabis users and medical cannabis patients.  If you have a girlfriend or boyfriend who smokes weed, you might worry about the long-term health effects just like a concerned partner would for someone who smokes tobacco.  The same goes for vaping, which is proving to have its own high-danger risks for health, but that’s a topic for another time entirely.

Badgering your partner over their smoking habits is understandable, because it typically comes from a place of care.  However, unlike smoking tobacco, even if you are lighting up and inhaling cannabis, you’re still getting some medical benefits whereas cigarettes, cigars and nicotine products offer zero benefits to your health.  

Many recreational users smoke weed because it’s convenient, cheaper to buy buds than edibles or concentrates, and it’s a bit quicker acting & consistent than consuming cannabis or applying it topically. So, if you’ve got mild ailments like soreness, stiffness, trouble sleeping or bouts of nausea, a puff on the old pipe or blunt can take the edge off for even those stoners who primarily smoke a blunt with their boyfriend or girlfriend for fun.

On the other side of the cannabis coin, medical cannabis users almost never smoke weed because they are so health-conscious.  If you have an express or urgent medical need for cannabis, typically you’ll be prescribed cannabis oil, capsules, edibles, topicals or other forms of concentrates. Health practitioners aren’t usually okay with their patients smoking weed for their medical ailments because of the health risks associated with smoking.  

When you think about it, your lungs weren’t meant to be a receptacle for medicine – they’re meant to breath in air and exhale CO2, that’s it. Not only are the lungs very sensitive to smoke and fumes, the compounds in cannabis products can wreak havoc on your respiratory system.  This clearly spells out why medical patients focus on high-dose, high-potency, high-purity products like cannabis oils, resins, rosins, or edible forms of cannabis.

Bringing it all together, if you have a medical need for smoking weed, you likely won’t find yourself smoking a blunt with your boyfriend or girlfriend.  Alternatively, you won’t have as much trouble choosing weed over a relationship if you’re a recreational toker whose partner is complaining about your “filthy habit”.  So you can see how your relationship with weed can equally influence your relationship with your partner, and vice versa.  If you need weed for health, your partner should know their boundaries; if you’re a casual smoker, maybe their calls for less puffs might have some value.

How To Be Okay With Your Partner Smoking Weed

If you have a girlfriend or boyfriend who smokes weed, and you’ve been trying really hard to learn how to be okay with your partner smoking so much, so often, we’ve put together some “relationship tips” designed to help both the stoners and the non-stoners to find some middle ground.

Join(t) In The Fun

If you’re worried about your partner choosing weed over your relationship, sometimes the best thing to do is simply let go of your trepidations and join them! Couples who toke together, stay together, after all. You don’t have to smoke with your partner every time they do, nor do you have to hit the blunt as hard as they do, but participation goes a very long way towards understanding.  If you’re willing to take part in smoking a blunt with your boyfriend or girlfriend, maybe they’ll be more apt to be active with one of your interests.  Relationships are all about finding balance together, for the betterment of both, so take a big hoot for your partner and feel the buzz together.

Scheduled Sessions

It’s a less sexy idea than being spontaneous and joining in on the fun, but sometimes all a couple needs is more communication.  A great way to communicate is to set timelines, schedules and the like.  If your partner smokes every other chance they get, or you happen to light up a little too often for the other’s liking, then setting designated times for smoking weed such as after meals, before bed, etc can help to create balance.  It’s very important that you discuss what times work best for the smoker AND the non-smoker, just so both parties feel cared for.

Switch It Up

One way to avoid arguing about smoking too much weed is to ditch the smoke altogether and switch your cannabis consumption methods up throughout the week.  This kind of goes along with the scheduling ‘relationship tip’ by way of setting certain days, times or periods in a month where you and your partner switch from smoking to other cannabis products. Puff-puff-pass on the buds for once and instead try eating some scrumptious edibles, downing cannabis oil, taking capsules, drawing a THC-infused bath or drinking cannabis bevies.

Sexy Time

You know what is the ultimate motivator for many couples? You can’t spell “that explains it” without S-E-X.  Many couples dabble with mind altering substances to enhance the feel-good sensations of their intimate time together, and cannabis just happens to be one of the best for sex.  Not only can smoking weed together be a fun part of your foreplay, but it relaxes any nerves that might be lingering, quells anxiety, soothes your sore parts and puts you in the perfect mind- and body-state for a long night of romance.  On top of all this (pun intended), when that high hits sex can feel even more incredible than it already does. Do your relationship a favor and start incorporating cannabis into your intimacy repertoire – you’re welcome, ahead of time.

Take Breaks, Not Breakups

The last ‘relationship tip’ for finding harmony in a relationship with a weed smoker is simple, yet very effective: take breaks.  No, not from each other! We mean to take breaks from smoking weed whenever the issue becomes too heated. Conversely, the non-smoking person should also consider taking breaks from their crusade to stop the smoking.  Both partners need to communicate clearly with one another to avoid getting too riled up, but when that’s unavoidable the next best thing is to give each other space, respect, time and trust.


How does smoking weed affect relationships?

Smoking weed can often lead to fights abouts health, hygiene, finances or even politics depending on where each person in the relationship sits on the pro/anti cannabis spectrum.  For many relationships, the act of smoking is specifically the issue for the other person because of the health risks associated with inhaling smoke or vapor.

What to do if your partner smokes, and you don’t like it?

If you enjoy smoking a blunt with your boyfriend or girlfriend, but the other person is not keen on smoking weed, the best thing to do is never to force the issue.  Smoking together isn’t something every couple gets to experience, but that does mean that it’s one person’s right to tell another if they’re “allowed to smoke”.  If you enjoy smoking cannabis but your partner does not, take extra care to not smoke around them, make sure you maintain good cannabis hygiene – i.e. cover the smells with aromatics, brush your teeth, change clothes, etc – and keep up good communication about how you’re both feeling.

Can smoking ruin a relationship?

Some couples do end up calling it quits because one person feels forced to choosing weed over their relationship. There are ways to be okay with your partner smoking weed, even if you do not, but it takes a lot of communication & consideration.  Make sure you’re always being respectful of each other’s personal preferences, and you’ll always be able to find a way to make things work.

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